Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Need for Columbus Day

"In his quest for gold, Columbus had the hands cut off of any Arawak who did not
bring in his or her quota of gold. In a short 40 years, the entire race of
people in Haiti, a half million native Americans, were wiped off the face of the
earth by Columbus and the Spaniards that followed him....The destruction of the
Caribs and Arawaks in the Caribbean Islands through disease, rape of their women
and sometimes out-and-out murder, destroyed the labor supply on these islands
and made it a necessity for the Spaniards and other Europeans to create a
rationale for the enslavement of the Africans....from 12 to 25 million
Indigenous Americans were killed on the islands in the Caribbean....I still
think there will be a need for Columbus Day but it will be a justifiable day of
mourning for the millions of Africans and so-called 'Indians" who died to
accommodate the spread of European control over the Americas and Caribbean

John Henrik Clarke
Christopher Columbus & the Afrikan Holocaust

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